Paper Cups & Lids

Here you will find our large range of paper coffee cups including single and double wall varieties in a number of different sizes from 4oz up to 16oz. PackGenie has many cup finishes like our ripple and white double wall paper cups that will suit a many types of businesses including bakeries, office canteens, coffee shops, mobile catering vans, events and more. If your looking for compostable cups then our Edenware coffee cup range will be sure to meet your environmental commitments.

kraft ripple cups

Kraft Ripple Cups

ReCUP Recyclable cups

100% Recyclable Cups

compostable cups

Compostable Cups

black double walled coffee cups

Black Double Walled Cups

black ripple paper cups

Black Ripple Cups

single walled paper cups

Single Walled Cups

white double walled cups

White Double Walled Cups

PackGenie closely monitors their prices for all our disposable paper cups, ensuring that all our customers benefit from the very best value, without effecting quality. We also offer reward points for our customers to collect when purchasing packaging from us. Points can be traded in for further discounts.

See what PackGenie is all about

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